healing Ayahuasca Retreat (fully booked)
With Ceylo Smits, Martijn Bosch and Fred Cozijn
4-day deeply transformative Ayahuasca Retreat Are you just surviving all the time? Does trauma keep playing up in you? Do you feel depressed or feelings of a burn-out? Are you curious to receive insights into your life purpose? Do you want to discover and get in touch with your true Nature? This deeply transformative Retreat […]
sacred Ayahuasca Retreat
With Martijn Bosch and Fred Cozijn
4-day deep transformative Ayahuasca Retreat For healing, for memory, for Love. When you feel the Call. The Call from the Soul. From within. As above, so below, as within, so without. You are the creation. And Ayahuasca can show you that, it shows you your true nature without any detours. What is the truth of […]
magical Ayahuasca Retreat
With Ceylo Smits, Martijn Bosch and Fred Cozijn
4-day deep transformative Ayahuasca Retreat It is a Call. The Call of the Soul. From within. To Heal. To Remember. To Love. Do you want to discover what your true nature Is? Do you feel the call to change what is blocking you? Do you want to discover your place? Or what your life purpose […]
shamanic Ayahuasca Retreat
With Ceylo Smits, Martijn Bosch and Fred Cozijn
The Journey to the Shaman in yourself, your inner Healer The qualities of the Shaman archetype are healing; these primal qualities are within ourselves. With these qualities we open ourselves to the Spirit of the shamanic brew. The Spirit of the magical Ayahuasca, Mother of medicine plants, will touch your Spirit and in these symbiosis […]